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Draft East Devon Local Plan - Consultation Feedback Report

There were a substantial number of comments made on the Draft East Devon Local Plan but key matters have now been incorporated, in summary form, into a feedback report.

This report does not provide officer comment on the feedback received nor contain any officer recommendations on possible future actions – it just seeks to set out a summary of what people and organisations have said to us. Future work will look at actions in response to feedback.

The feedback is to be reported to the Strategic Planning Committee of East Devon District Council on the 21 July 2023 – please click here for more details.

The feedback report is lengthy, over 500 sides long, so paper versions are not being circulated. However, a printed copy will be available to inspect at the EDDC offices at Blackdown House, Border Road, Heathpark Industrial Estate, Honiton. If you do want to view this paper copy, please call 01395 571533.

Posted on 14th July 2023

by EDDC Planning Policy team

Time is running out to have your say on future developments in East Devon's Local Plan consultation

The deadline to have your say on how much building takes place in East Devon from now until 2040 is fast approaching – East Devon District Council's (EDDC) Local Plan consultation ends this weekedn (Sunday, January 15th)

Thousands of people have already commented on proposals in the new draft Local Plan including on how many new homes need to be built and where.

The consultation seeks views on specific sites for development which could be next to your house.

The plan sets out various other aims, including:

• How the district would address the climate change emergency;

• How and where new jobs should be created;

• How we should support our town centres;

• How East Devon protects its built heritage and natural environment;

• How EDDC intends to deliver housing to meet the needs of local residents and ensure new homes are net zero carbon ensuring they are more efficient and cheaper to run.

The new Local Plan will be a key document when making planning decisions in East Devon so it is vital people tell EDDC what they think of the proposals now.

Everyone who lives, works and spends time in the district has been asked to share their views about the future of the district as part the consultation.

Councillor Dan Ledger, EDDC's portfolio holder for strategic planning, said:

"It is so important that people look at this consultation and tell us what they think before the consultation closes.

"There has been lots of stories in the press about potential future changes to the planning system and how these might reduce the number of homes that we need to build.

"These changes are currently unclear but what is clear is that we will still need thousands of new homes, business and community spaces and we need to hear as many views as possible on the proposals in our new Local Plan to help us decide which are best for the future of East Devon."

The consultation can be viewed online at www.eastdevon.gov.uk/local-plan

The feedback EDDC receives on this draft plan will be used to help inform and refine EDDC's thinking as the Local Plan is progressed.

In just over a year's time, EDDC hopes to have a final version of the plan informed by the comments it receives that will be consulted on and then subject to an examination in public by a Government-appointed planning inspector.

Posted on 9th January 2023

by EDDC Comms Team

What do you think of proposals for a second new town in East Devon?

Share your views on proposals for a second new town, being put forward as part of East Devon’s new draft Local Plan.

A ten-week consultation looking for your views on what developments go where for the next 18 years was launched by East Devon District Council (EDDC) on Monday, 7 November.

One of the many big visions being put forward as part of the draft plan is for a new town with up to 8,000 new homes to form a self-contained new community with its own jobs, shops, schools and other community facilities.

Although the town would take decades to be built, work could start within the next 10 years with 2,500 new homes proposed to be built by 2040.

Three proposed options for a new community have been presented including one favoured option on land between the A30 and the A3052, to the north and east of Westpoint.

Two other alternative options are also being seriously considered – this includes land to the south of the A3052 and east of the A376 and Clyst St George village.

All three options offer good transport links and are close to existing jobs. Views are sought on which is best.

The need for a further new town comes from the limited opportunities to expand existing towns and villages due to many environmental issues - two thirds of East Devon are designated as ‘Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ and there are also issues with flooding and protected natural habitats in much of the rest of the district.

Councillor Dan Ledger, EDDC’s portfolio holder for strategic planning, said:

"This is a really exciting opportunity to create a modern zero carbon town. It could provide homes that are affordable to buy and run with everything residents need within easy walking and cycling distance.

"A new town means that we can plan for the delivery of homes, jobs and infrastructure such as schools, health centres and community facilities alongside each other without further overloading the infrastructure of existing towns.

"This would however be a big change to the landscape and impact on nearby communities, so it is really important that people get involved and tell us what they think of these proposals. A new town like this may seem a long way off but we need everyone’s input now to make sure that we are on the right track from the start."

The consultation can be viewed online at: http://www.eastdevon.gov.uk/local-plan

The feedback EDDC receives on this draft plan will be used to help inform and refine its thinking as the local plan is progressed.

In just over a year’s time, it is hoped a final version of the plan will be ready – having been shaped by the public’s comments and consultations before being subject to an examination by a Government-appointed planning inspector.

23 November 2022

Posted on 5th January 2023

by EDDC Comms Team

Share your views: Could more be done to make new developments more environmentally friendly in East Devon?

Could East Devon do more to tackle the climate change emergency in its new draft local Plan?

Check out the list of measures being proposed, which look to ensure new developments reduce East Devon’s carbon footprint as much as possible.

Among the many issues residents need to share their views on, as part of a nine-week consultation on the draft Local Plan, will be the amount of solar panels in East Devon and whether the district should have more solar farms or place panels on new-build roofs - these are just a couple of the many options.

Other topics include how you would like East Devon to minimise the carbon footprint of new developments, like by making them zero carbon or by building close to jobs, schools, shops and community facilities to reduce the need to travel.

East Devon District Council (EDDC) needs your views now. Do not wait until a planning application is submitted to build something next to your home, at that point it could be too late for your views to change the outcome.

Plans to make walking and cycling more attractive to residents is also key in East Devon. The council’s consultation aims to find what you think will help reduce your need to travel – whether it be through more EV charging points or more foot and cycle paths to encourage more people to walk and get on their bike.

The draft plan also outlines how the district will need to adapt to climate change, this includes ensuring new developments are not affected and do not contribute to flooding.

Plans have also been proposed to introduce new measures to control development in areas prone to coastal erosion and enable those whose property is directly affected by cliff falls to move to safety.

The Local Plan is the key document used in making planning decisions in East Devon so it is vital that people tell us what they think of the proposals now.

Councillor Dan Ledger, EDDC’s portfolio holder for strategic planning, said:

"It is so important people look at this consultation and tell us what they think.

"The climate emergency affects us all now and will affect us more in the future.

"We have to ensure that new developments do not add to the carbon footprint of the district and that we adapt to issues like flooding and cliff falls.

"This is a key consultation and your chance to tell us how we should plan in the future to address climate change, please use it."

Everyone who lives, works and spends time in the district has been asked to share their views about the future of the district in the consultation here: http://www.eastdevon.gov.uk/local-plan

The feedback EDDC receives will be used to help inform and refine EDDC’s thinking as the local plan is progressed.

Check out this climate change video on the new draft Local Plan.

9 December 2022

Posted on 5th January 2023

by EDDC Comms Team

Will the new East Devon Local Plan help meet your housing need?

What new homes are needed in East Devon? Residents are being urged to share their views on proposals in the new East Devon Local Plan which seek to meet the needs of local people.

East Devon District Council’s (EDDC) new draft Local Plan sets out a range of policies to deliver the right homes in the right places. These include proposals to:

  • Ensure that more affordable homes are built;
  • Provide more specialist homes for older people;
  • Ensure all new homes are built to be accessible and adaptable to meet the needs of those with mobility difficulties;
  • Provide a mix of homes that matches the needs of residents of the district including more two and three-bed homes;
  • Encouraging more self and custom build housing to enable people to have homes designed specifically to their own needs;
  • Ensure homes are more energy efficient and cheaper to heat and run.
  • The Local Plan is the key document used in making planning decisions in East Devon so it is vital that people tell EDDC what they think of the proposals now. Waiting for a planning application could mean that it is too late for your views to change things.

    Everyone who lives, works and spends time in the district has been asked to share their views about the future of the district as part of East Devon’s Local Plan Consultation which is now live.

    Check out this video on housing in the new draft Local Plan.

    Councillor Dan Ledger, portfolio holder for strategic planning and Sustainable Homes and Communities, said:

    "The new Local Plan is a rare opportunity to reset our requirements for new homes in the district and ensure that they meet the needs of residents now and in the future.

    "Although many may not want new homes built near them I am sure we all know of people struggling to find a suitable home whether that be a young person struggling to buy their first home or an older person looking to downsize. We know that there are not enough homes to meet these and many other needs. The Local Plan presents an opportunity to address this and ensure that the new homes built in the district meet them.

    "This consultation is your chance to tell us if our understanding of your housing needs is right and whether what we are proposing will help to meet your needs.

    "It is vital that people respond to this consultation as it will control what new homes are built in the district between now and 2040. Help us make sure that they are the right homes."

    The feedback EDDC receives on the draft plan will be used to help inform and refine the authority’s thinking as the local plan is progressed.

    In just over a years’ time, EDDC hopes to have a final version of the plan informed by the comments it receives that will be consulted on and then be subjected to an examination in public by a Government appointed planning inspector.

    16 December 2022

    Posted on 5th January 2023

    by EDDC Comms Team

    Local Plan exhibitions conclude next week

    Our public exhibitions in support of the East Devon Draft Local Plan consultation conclude next week.

    It's your opportunity to chat with planning officers from East Devon District Council's Planning Policy team, learn more about how the proposals will affect the area you live in and to understand how you can give feedback.

    Events next week take place at:

  • Feniton Youth and Community Centre on Tuesday 13th December from 3pm-7pm
  • The Gateway, Seaton on Thursday 15th December from 3pm-7pm
  • You can raise any Local Plan matters and learn more about proposals in your town, village or surrounding areas.

    Posted on 9th December 2022

    by EDDC Planning Policy team

    Exhibition on new East Devon community this Friday

    A public exhibition on the proposed new community in East Devon takes place at Clyst St Mary this week.

    This exhibition will focus specifically on the options for a new community and will take place at:

  • Clyst St Mary Village Hall on Friday 2nd December from 2pm-6pm
  • There are three site options being consulted on for a new community and at this exhibition the focus will be on these options. But we will also address Local Plan matters, including at the village level, and we will explain how you can give feedback on new community proposals and other Local Plan matters.

    Posted on 28th November 2022

    by EDDC Planning Policy team

    Local Plan exhibitions begin next week

    Public exhibitions in support of the East Devon Draft Local Plan consultation get under way next week.

    It's your opportunity to chat with planning officers from East Devon District Council's Planning Policy team, learn more about how the proposals will affect the area you live in and to understand how you can give feedback.

    Events next week take place at:

  • Whimple Victory Hall on Tuesday 29th November from 4:30pm-8:30pm
  • The Institute in Ottery St Mary on Wednesday 30th November from 3pm-7pm
  • Axminster Guildhall on Thursday 1st December from 3pm-7pm
  • You can raise any Local Plan matters and learn more about proposals in your town, village or surrounding areas.

    Posted on 23rd November 2022

    by EDDC Planning Policy team

    Have your say on future developments in the East Devon Local Plan consultation

    A ten-week consultation seeking residents' views on specific sites for development was launched on Monday, 7 November by East Devon District Council (EDDC).

    The document sets out how EDDC intends to meet housing targets, to meet the needs of local residents and ensure new homes are net zero carbon, ensuring they are more efficient and cheaper to run.

    The draft plan also outlines how the district addresses the climate change emergency, how and where new jobs should be created, how town centres should be supported and how the district can protect build heritage and the natural environment.

    A number of public exhibitions will be held across East Devon allowing residents to find out more and ask questions about the draft Local Plan.

    Tuesday 29/11/2022


    Village Hall

    16:30 - 20:30

    Wednesday 30/11/2022

    Ottery St Mary

    The Institute

    15:00 - 19:00

    Thursday 01/12/2022



    15:00 - 19:00

    Friday 02/12/2022

    Clyst St Mary

    Village Hall

    14:00 - 18:00

    Tuesday 06/12/2022



    15:00 - 19:00

    Wednesday 07/12/2022



    15:00 - 19:00

    Thursday 08/12/2022



    15:00 - 19:00

    Tuesday 13/12/2022


    Youth Centre

    15:00 - 19:00

    Thursday 15/12/2022



    15:00 - 19:00

    The Local Plan is the key document used in making planning decisions in East Devon so it is vital that people have their say on proposals now.

    Waiting for a planning application to be submitted near you home could mean that it is too late for your views to change things.

    Everyone who lives, works and spends time in the district has been asked to share their views about the future of the district as part of consultation which is now live.

    An EDDC spokesperson said: "It is so important that people look at this consultation and tell us what they think.

    "The future planning of East Devon is something that will really impact on all our lives for years to come.

    "Unfortunately, people often only get interested in planning issues when a specific development directly affects them, but this plan will affect us all and how we as a community respond to key issues like climate change and housing our residents.

    "This is a key consultation and your chance to tell us how we should shape communities up and down East Devon, please use it."

    The consultation can be viewed online at: www.eastdevon.gov.uk/local-plan

    The feedback EDDC receives on this draft plan will be used to help inform and refine the council’s thinking as the local plan is progressed.

    In just over a year’s time, it is hoped a final version of the plan will be ready – having been shaped by the public’s comments and consultations before being subject to an examination by a Government appointed planning inspector.

    Posted on 8th November 2022

    by EDDC Comms Team

    Get involved... and have your say!

    This page will be updated with news on Local Plan exhibitions and webinars throughout the consultation period - please come back soon for more information.

    Posted on 27th October 2022

    by EDDC Planning Policy team