
Hawkchurch - LP_Hawk_01


LP_Hawk_01 - Norton Store, Hawkchurch, Axminster

PREFERRED ALLOCATION - 38 homes and 0.15 hectares of employment land    

Outside of AONB. Agricultural field with active employment use behind housing. 

Mature trees and hedgerow to south, west, east borders, mature tree in field. Set in context of residential and industrial development. PROW to west, south, east (footpaths). Overall, the site has a medium/low landscape sensitivity to new development.

Heritage assets present: Grade II listed 1 Wytch Green (44m to north), Grade I listed St John the Baptist Church, row of Grade II buildings including the Old Bakery, the Old Inn, Fir View, Rose Cottage, Windwhistle Cottage. Currently light industrial units in closest area to heritage assets. 

Asset to the north separated from the site by residential development. Residential development may enhance the setting of the assets to the east rather than causing harm, subject to final detailed scheme. Overall, minor - Limited change to elements that contribute to the significance of assets and their setting, where harm is minimal. 

Ecology: Nature Recovery Network (2m), Section 41 (S41) Habitat of Principle Importance (including rivers and streams, excluding hedgerows) (88m), within River Axe SAC Nutrient catchment area. 

Site is within the East Devon Pebblebed Heaths SAC HRA mitigation zone. Overall, significant moderate adverse effect predicted. Employment use should be retained on site.

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